Hand Therapy
Each of your hands is made up of 29 bones, 29 major joints, 123 ligaments and is controlled by nearly 50 different muscles.
Our Hand therapists are physiotherapists or occupational therapists who have completed intensive post-graduate study in the upper limb – the hand, wrist, forearm and elbow. They have become experts in this part of the body.
Whether you're struggling with a long-standing condition, have a new injury or are recovering from surgery, our hand therapy (hand physio) team can help you.
Our Hand Therapists work closely with local doctors and orthopaedic and plastic surgeons to ensure you get the best of care. We'll carry out a thorough assessment and provide education and an individualised management plan designed for you and your goals.

Conditions we commonly treat:
Acute trauma - fractures, dislocations, sprains, strains, lacerations, amputations, replantations, burns and tendon and nerve injuries including mallet finger
Nerve compressions - carpal tunnel syndrome and cubital fossa syndrome
Post-operative hand surgery - Dupuytrens, carpal tunnel release, fracture fixations, joint replacements, and tendon, nerve and muscle repairs
Overuse and pain conditions - tendinopathies including tennis and golfers’ elbow, De Quervains, intersection syndrome, trigger digit and complex regional pain syndrome
Arthritis and Rheumatology conditions
Paediatric, congenital, and neurological conditions
How can Hand Therapy help me?
Custom made supports, casts and splints
Fitting of off-the-shelf braces
Wound, scar and swelling management
Pain management and desensitisation techniques
Sensory assessment and retraining
Strengthening and rehabilitation programmes
Soft tissue release and joint mobilisation
Ergonomic and workplace advice
Acupuncture and dry needling